She waited quietly at home alone for the love of her life to return. He has made her so happy. She tries to do everything she can to keep him happy so they can live in la-la land forever and ever. What would she do without him? After all she needed him to make her complete. Without him she couldnt be happy and surely she could never survive. Her children would have to go hungry and without clothes or a decent place to live if he wasnt there to take care of them. She must be careful not to crack the eggshells when she walks and please above all dont mention the elephant laying in the middle of the living room floor. Is this person you? I used to be that person with the wrong attitude about everything. Do you want to be free from the delusion that if you manage well in your life you will have satisfaction and happiness? I can only share with you my experience about how my bad attitude was changed and pray that maybe someone, just one person can grab hold and have their lives changed. Today I live a wonderful life and have spiritual, emotion and physical health that I had never even dreamed of. Didnt know it existed. I wasnt raised knowing about those things. I was raised to survive.
I hit such a low in my life that I had to surrender to the fact that no matter how hard I tried; no matter what I did it was not going to change one thing in my life. I wanted better for my life and the lives of my children but didnt know how to get there, all my efforts failed. In my desperation I cried out to the Lord, someone I had long since forgotten about and was sure He had written me off because after all little girls who play cards are really going to make Him angry, another of my many wrong beliefs, I did not know the depths of His love or about working out my salvation. I didnt know that He wanted to be my very best friend, that He wanted to take care of me and that He was ever present and was watching over me and my family, calling to me, saying Ill be here when youre ready if you dont die first. I am the one who truly loves you. Renewing my relationship with the Lord was the first step to recovery for me.
Over the years I have spent many hours renewing my mind. I studied books that have given me clear cut directions on what my part in all these changes need to be. Ive spent years learning new ways to live my life by practicing how to change my attitude and see things from a new, healthy perspective. I had to learn how to change my actions from unhealthy ones to healthy ones. Ive learned how to turn negative emotions into positive ones and most of the time my intellect takes precedent over my emotions today. Thank God. There is still some damage in some of the relationships in my life as a direct result of me reacting as opposed to responding. Im praying for healing in those relationships and I know that God will have his way no matter what I think or want. Praise Be to God.
If you want to take a new direction in your life ABOVE ALL DO NOT try to take the path alone. Trying to learn to live a spiritual way of life alone could be dangerous and could create more havoc in your life. Even Solomon sought direction and his gift was wisdom. Think about it. Ask God for guidance and direction, to lead you to healthy Christian people who have been successful in turning their lives around and who have a relationship with the Lord and a foundation for living that is unshakeable.
One of my favorite websites is Purpose Driven Life. Pastor Rick Warren has daily readings written in laymans terms. His sharing comes from his own experiences and the wisdom he has acquired while studying the Bible and being taught by many others.
I am in the process of learning about another person named Teresa Ortiz. She also has a web site called In Seasons Ministry. I find her to be very encouraging and full of wisdom also. I know she helps a lot of people, even some very close to me. I thank God for people like Teresa.
The most important thing for me to always remember about all the changes in my life is that it would not have been possible without the relationship I have with the Lord Jesus Christ today and the help of many people who cared more about helping others than they did about themselves. They were more than willing to share their experiences and bare their soles and for that I shall be eternally grateful. Thank you one and all.
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