Will there ever be a day that I will not think about you Michelle? I think not and not sure I want to. I miss you so much. I’m sorry you aren’t here for Jamie’s birthday, but on the other hand I remember how thrilled you were when you became a Grandmother. When God blessed you with three grandsons you were in awe and I think you learned a new kind of lov.. God is good.
I remember all the trips to the hospital and all the pain you were in your last few years. I can hear you say God has a plan. I remember one of your favorite things to do was to lay across my lap and have me rub your back even when you were a teenager.
I can see your big blue eyes and hear you laugh at the top of your lungs You had a wonderful sense of humor and I’m so grateful that you did some writing because I got to see a whole new side of you.
Because of you my relationship with God was enhanced and I thank the Lord for our time together on this earth and I praise Him because I know someday I’ll see you again. I can see you dancing in the clouds and hear you singing now.
I love you.