Monday, March 28, 2011

Gods Healing Power in My Relationship With My Mother

This is probably one of the hardest articles Ive had to write and I really dont want to but since I volunteered I will. This is the piece about Mothers day.

My relationship with my Mom has never been a very good one or a very happy one, even when I was a small child that I can remember. We did have some good times together but our relationship has always been a struggle for both of us. We would do okay for a while and then before you know it we would be doing the same old dance of anger for one reason or another. I am not sure if the reasons behind some of the dissention was real or not, but when all was said and done I always felt like I had been beat to a pulp verbally and then left lying on the ground, and saying to myself how did I get here one more time.

It has been one of the hardest areas of my life which I had to reconcile, and to be able to allow God to heal me emotionally and spiritually. I could never have reached that point without Gods help. I will share how I got to this point with the hope that maybe some other person who is at odds with their mother for one reason or another and appears to be in an irreconcilable state will be helped.

At one point in our lives my Mom and I used to work for the same company and it was okay. She was an amazing sales person and loaded with talent but she would let other things get in her way and they would take precedence over everything else. She would get to a point where she was very hard to be around, but one day she accepted the Lord into her life and I saw the most wonderful person I had ever seen in her. She was gracious, humble, and into serving the Lord. The sad part is that it only lasted about four months and she chose to go back to her old life style and from there it seemed to go downhill (in my opinion).

My mother and I have been estranged for years now, even though I did try to make amends for my part, I have come to realize that I am not strong enough to be around her and to be able to remain the person I want to be (hopefully someday I will become strong enough). I am so glad I got to see that other side of her because I knew I did not love and respect her the way I thought God would have me love and honor her and the guilt and the pain kept me in turmoil from time to time for years. The way I overcame it was to ask God to love and honor my mother through me in a manner that was pleasing to Him because I did not think I was not capable of doing that.

When I asked God to love and honor her through me he reminded me of the other person I saw in her some years prior and he said you see Linda that is the person I want her to be, but she chooses not to be. It was at that point that I knew that I really do love my mother and today I honor her in the best way I know how. I miss her but my heart no longer hurts because she and I cant be together but maybe someday in Heaven.

So if your Mom is alive and your relationship is at odds do youre very best to repair it, but if it is not possible at this point seek God for healing. He answers all prayer and mends broken hearts. He can give you peace and joy even in time of distress. If your Mom is no longer living and you were at odds with her when she passed away write her a long love letter and then go to her grave and read it to her. There is healing power with God, and he works through our willingness to trust Him in all things.

Happy Mother's Day mom. I love you.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Is It Possible To Overcome Depression, Panic Attacks, Fear, Etc In Our Lives?

Have you ever watched people who struggle with depression, panic attacks, fear, etc? I find it amazing that some of them can even manage to go from one day to the next. If you watch these people you can see how so many of them allow fear to devour and rob them of their very lives, yet many of them claim to be happy and content just the way they are. I have a hard time understanding how they can live that way but it is in trying to acquire understanding about their situation that I am able to get through my own depression and draw closer to God.

Lately I’ve been fighting off the funk of depression and it is a real struggle because I’ve always been such an upbeat person. It used to be that when I would get knocked down I’d get up and go another round until I succeeded, however, the depression I’m experiencing now is caused by a disease I have in my brain in which the spark plugs don’t fire quite right. The Dr. is in the process of adjusting my medication but it takes time. This minor setback has given me a new understanding and much greater empathy for people who have clinical depression. Clinical depression is much different than people, who sit around and feel sorry for themselves, and it can usually be controlled by medication if taken the way it is prescribed, but make no mistake about it, it is very real.

Going through this depression has been good for me because it has made me get back into the scriptures more and has softened my heart towards people with depression. Proverbs 4 talks about acquiring wisdom and understanding and the softening of your heart. It is in trying to gain wisdom we acquire understanding and from that comes peace. It is not my peace but a peace that only the Lord can give His peace.

I try to remember to praise God daily. When I do he restores His joy within me. There are many scriptures about giving praise to the Lord. A good one for me today was Psalms 105:1-5. I find my healing in praise to Him.

If you or someone you know is going through depression, clinical or otherwise, seek medical help and consider seeking the wisdom of God, because through His wisdom comes healing.

About Me

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I was born in Arkansas, raised between New Mexico and California. I have two beautiful daughters and one handsome son. Proud grandmother of 10 and great grandmother of 6. I derived my education from the school of hard knocks and came out a much better person for it. Strong will run amok was almost my demise but today it works in my favor. I gave it over to God and he healed me. I have an imaginary choke collar like a puppy wears and daily God tugs it because he loves me and wants to keep me safe. Because of God's grace I have a wonderful life today! I pray you find Him today!