She had worked fervently in the latter part of the month to make sure she had covered her sales route thoroughly. She had to make sure she enough orders before the 1st of the month to pay the bills, to say nothing of the extras, like food. Above all else she wasn’t willing to allow her daughter to go to a public school, after all, the private Christian school was doing so much to enhance her education and hopefully was building her self esteem.
It was one of those months when all the footwork seemed to be for naught and there was only one more day left before the end of the month. The next day she awoke early in the morning knowing that today was the day, her last chance; she just had to come up with the rent, utilities, etc. Upon awakening she suddenly felt a sharp, familiar pain; somehow she knew she had contracted a kidney infection, the pain was so great she could not get out of bed. Oh no, she cried with tears streaming down her face and in total fright, what am I going to do? How am I ever going to be able to take care of my daughter and her next thought was, oh God I hope I don’t lose custody of her. One more time fear was closing in on the woman and trying to take over her life.
At that point she cried out to God and said Lord I can’t get out of bed and I don’t know what I am going to do, please help me. Needless to say she did the only thing she could that day which was to stay in bed and drink lots of water in the hope of flushing the poisons out of her kidneys. She was running a high fever so she slept most of the day and when awake she drank water continually.
A strange thing happened while she was sleeping; her phone started ringing off the hook and orders started to pour in for the product she was selling. Since the woman was sleeping she had no idea what was going on because she had turned the ringer off to the phone and the message recorder was set to low, therefore, she couldn’t hear them. When she was finally able to get out of bed, she checked her messages and lo and behold she discovered that there were enough orders to meet all her needs, there would even be a little left over. The Lord had supplied everything she needed while she was sleeping.
I wrote this story in the hope that someone during these hard economic times will be encouraged enough to surrender their heavy load to the Lord. I feel strongly about surrendering to win because the woman in the story was me. I had worked so hard for the month before I had contracted the kidney infection and nothing had come to fruition. It seemed like the harder I worked the worse things got. I just knew that the Lord had deserted me. I gave up in total despair that day. When I wasn’t sleeping from the fever that I was crying out, God why have you deserted me? I believe God allowed me to get sick that day so he could show me that he would take care of me. All I had to do was the footwork and to quit worrying about the end results. I needed to surrender it all to Him.
I believe the moral of the story is; to surrender to God is to win. He will meet your every need, not your every want. Become a daily winner, surrender all to the Lord.
The lesson I had to learn is in the Holy Bible, Matthew, chapter 6, verses 31-34 and Mark, chapter 5, verse 34. Check it out it; hopefully it will help you win in your earthly journey too.
May God bless and keep you as you trudge the road to happy destiny.
At that point she cried out to God and said Lord I can’t get out of bed and I don’t know what I am going to do, please help me. Needless to say she did the only thing she could that day which was to stay in bed and drink lots of water in the hope of flushing the poisons out of her kidneys. She was running a high fever so she slept most of the day and when awake she drank water continually.
A strange thing happened while she was sleeping; her phone started ringing off the hook and orders started to pour in for the product she was selling. Since the woman was sleeping she had no idea what was going on because she had turned the ringer off to the phone and the message recorder was set to low, therefore, she couldn’t hear them. When she was finally able to get out of bed, she checked her messages and lo and behold she discovered that there were enough orders to meet all her needs, there would even be a little left over. The Lord had supplied everything she needed while she was sleeping.
I wrote this story in the hope that someone during these hard economic times will be encouraged enough to surrender their heavy load to the Lord. I feel strongly about surrendering to win because the woman in the story was me. I had worked so hard for the month before I had contracted the kidney infection and nothing had come to fruition. It seemed like the harder I worked the worse things got. I just knew that the Lord had deserted me. I gave up in total despair that day. When I wasn’t sleeping from the fever that I was crying out, God why have you deserted me? I believe God allowed me to get sick that day so he could show me that he would take care of me. All I had to do was the footwork and to quit worrying about the end results. I needed to surrender it all to Him.
I believe the moral of the story is; to surrender to God is to win. He will meet your every need, not your every want. Become a daily winner, surrender all to the Lord.
The lesson I had to learn is in the Holy Bible, Matthew, chapter 6, verses 31-34 and Mark, chapter 5, verse 34. Check it out it; hopefully it will help you win in your earthly journey too.
May God bless and keep you as you trudge the road to happy destiny.